Reflexology is a science that investigates nerve reflex response.
The body is a mass of cells that have collected to form bones, tissue, blood and lymph, all contained in a ‘bag’ of skin that holds the mass together and protects what’s inside. The mass functions by a jointly regulated operation of constant electrical-chemical exchanges between the Central Nervous System (nerves originating in the brain and spine) and the Endocrine System (glands).
The response of nerves and glands is like when a conductor of an orchestra playing improvisational music manages to create a harmonious, balanced sound because all the players are totally genius musical prodigies in their souls. They don’t know what will happen next, but they respond to the conductors’ random movements in a way that is basically perfect.
This describes the body in a state of good health.
If someone pokes the outside of the skin ‘bag’ at any point the nerve endings located at this point respond by relaying information to the spine and brain. Reflexology studies the ‘electrical’ paths that are connected to the point of contact and measures changes that occur throughout the body in response to pressure. The Endocrine glands release appropriate hormones in response to signals from the brain.
This is like observing the orchestra, when the conductor waves his hands, even though only certain instruments are played, sound waves are created that everybody hears.
Stress, injury, diet, and environmental influences can make certain orchestra members deaf to the sounds of their colleagues or blind to the instructions of the conductor so that they miss their cues and throw the sound out of balance and harmony. The flow of the music is interrupted or blocked.
This describes the body when it is not in optimal health.
The use of pressure point massage on hands, feet and other parts of the body to maintain health, prevent illness, and heal the body has been practiced in cultures for centuries. The earliest recorded evidence of this (hieroglyphics from a physicians’ tomb in Egypt) is from 2330 BC.
Western scientists have been studying the paths and functions of nerves since the late 1800s which has led to present-day neurological science.
What has been proven beyond doubt is that pressure applied to the skin causes a nerve response that causes physiological changes in the body. Some of these changes have been measured in temperature, moisture levels, circulation, relaxation and contraction of muscle and tissue, and cellular activity. I hope that soon, the effects of Reflexology will be studied using fMRI’s or other brain response measuring instruments, if it is not already being done.
Foot Reflexology is the practice of massaging and applying pressure to specific points on the feet using specialized thumb, finger and hand techniques. There are 7,200 nerve endings in each foot. When pressure is applied, a reflex response occurs that reverberates throughout the body and influences circulation, muscles, nerves, tissue, gland and organ function.